I just came across an article about travel tips for dealing with long flights in one of my fashion magazines. It was all about staying hydrated, eating the right foods, and there was something about “spritzing” water on your skin to help with the dry air. I laughed.
I just can't sit by and not comment, having gone what we just went through.
I have a travel trip that will get you through a long flight. Try flying across the ocean with three little kids. No wait, let’s make it easy. Just start out with two. If you need a challenge, then add in the third. But at least one of them has to be a baby, toddler or two-year old. Instead of bringing a water spritzer, bring extra clothes. For everyone. The goal is to not get "spritzed" by anything (like spilled drinks but most especially one of those little person's bodily fluids). Put the extra clothes in one of your ten carry-on bags. Trust me, when you show up at the airport with a gaggle of kids, they don't actually count everyone's carry-ons.
Just try it once. After that, anywhere you fly by yourself (without kids) will feel like a holiday. Even if it's a really long flight, or you get stuck on a tarmac somewhere. It will feel like paradise, just because you don't have kids with you. You can talk to your spouse. You can read the book you want to read, watch the movie you want to watch or listen to the music you want. You won’t have a million pieces of carry-on luggage that you have to juggle while carrying a sleeping child. You won’t have to wait at the door of the aircraft to pick up the stroller!
You might even have room to pack the little spritz bottle for the aforementioned “spritzing.”
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