I really hope that this is my last entry about poop. But the second I say that some unimaginable event will happen regarding said substance and thus I won't say it too loudly because I don't want to jinx myself.
We have had a battle of wills going on at our house with respect to the potty training. Miss B got it in her little blond head that she didn't want to sit on the potty and preferred to do the dirty business in her diaper. Or underpants, should she happen to be wearing those. Which, of course she has been mostly wearing. Yuck, yuck and yuck if you know what I mean.
She was getting frustrated. She knew when she needed to go, but wouldn't sit still long enough for nature to take its course. Over the weekend, I tried to devise ways to keep her sitting on the potty long enough for her little body to take care of business. She would have none of it.
And then, I remembered "the book." I scrambled to the book shelves to find it, forgotten from potty training efforts of a few years ago. An unsuspecting adult who has never had to go through potty training, would be utterly confused by this book, should they happen upon it in a children's book store. It's called "Everyone Poops." It is exactly what the title claims, all about poop. It goes something like: Big animals make big poop, little animals make little poop (you get the idea) it moves on to talk about people and then ends with the lines "...everyone eats, so everyone poops."
This book saved me. Miss B thought that it was the funniest, most fascinating book topic she'd ever seen. We made a deal. We could only read the book if she was sitting on the potty. Our second time through it, the miracle I've been waiting for the last couple of weeks finally happened.
And so I hereby declare this to be my last entry about poop. Unless something unimaginable happens that I just have to share with you.
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