Saturday, January 12, 2013

Twitter Tweets.

I am in the process of querying agents for my first manuscript.  For this, I use google excessively.  I google authors that I like to find their agents.  I search the agents' names.  I google literary agencies in various locations and I search, and I search and I search.  I read their bios, I read their blogs, I read anything that might help me turn this dream of publication into a reality.

But it got me thinking.  What if one of these agents, reading my query letter, turned around and googled me?  I wasn't too worried, after all, I'm a little intimidated by the longevity of what gets out there on the web.  I try to post thoughtfully, and always try to keep in mind that any words that I put out there on my blog or facebook page could potentially be out there in the cyberworld existence for a long, long time. 

But a quick google search for "Natalie Fowler" sounded like a good idea.  Just to be sure.

Uh oh.

There are a lot of Natalie Fowler's out there in the world. 

One of the first Natalie Fowler links lands on a Twitter Account.  NatalieYoBabyFowler something or other.  


The tagline under the google search reveals that the Yo Baby Natalie Fowler is an "aspiring young quirky writer." 

Huh.  Maybe it's not such a bad thing to aspire to be young.  I barely know what Twitter is.

A click on the link to her Twitter Page, reveals a tagline that states she might very well write you into one of her novels as a character.  

Oh Dear God.

She tweets about taking out the garbage, joking around with her sister, and getting flowers from a secret admirer that included a quote from Harry Potter, and (my personal favorite) getting mistaken as an employee of Hollister (and apparently that's a good thing).  

Now I just feel old.  

But I also feel really, really thankful that there was no such thing as Twitter when I was in high school. 

Maybe I should put a disclaimer at the bottom of my query letters from now on:  I am in no way connected with the "Yo Baby" Natalie Fowler on Twitter.  But then again, there probably aren't that many other Natalie Fowler's from Belgium.  I hope.  

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