I feel very lucky today. Well, I feel lucky every day that I
wake up in Belgium. But today, I feel even luckier. (Is that a word? I think
so, my spell check didn’t flag it.)
Today, I took the kids to school, and tonight, they will all
go stay with friends overnight. So, I feel lucky that we have friends here that
are willing to take our kids for an overnight, and I feel equally lucky that I
know our kids will behave and not be too much trouble (hopefully.) Luke was a
little weepy this morning when I left. But I handed him off to his third grade
teacher who had managed to turn his tears into a smile before I even walked
away. I feel lucky that Luke has such a good teacher this year, even if it’s
just for a few months. (What is that, reason number 4?)
Then, I drove to the La Hulpe train station and got on the
train. I feel lucky to live in a city with trains. Then, I rode it to Gare du
Midi. There, I cleared customs (reason number 5 or 6, I've lost count, for feeling lucky, but deserves
its own blog entry) and boarded a Eurostar train to London. I feel lucky to
live close enough to London that I can take a train and get there before lunch.
I am going to London today, because fifteen years ago, I got
married. I married this guy, who had a passion to see the world and a gift for
talking to people. Specifically, he has a talent for being able to connect with
people from other countries and cultures. Talk about luck. This guy took me to
London for our honeymoon and it was our first trip abroad together. I remember
riding the train into London from the airport, watching the gardens of the
houses rush past, thinking, “I could live here someday.”
For the past five years -- one third of our marriage -- that
dream came true. (See original reason for feeling lucky today, above.) My
parents were here this summer when we celebrated our fifteen year anniversary,
and not that I’m not thankful for the nice dinner we had with them on August 8
(thanks again Mom and Dad), tonight I’m meeting John in London so we can go out
for a date. We have tickets to see Les Miserables, a show that we saw on our
I’m on the train now, and everyone around me is talking
about where they will go first when they get to London. Which museum? Which
neighborhood? The Italian guys near me have a map spread out between the four
of them, and they are taking this conversation very seriously.
And it occurred to me, that this is the first time I’m going
to London, and I don’t want to “see” anything. The first thing I’m going to do
when I get to London is go for a run. I’ve always wanted to run the loop around
the bridges between Covenant Garden and Big Ben. But I never have my running
stuff because there is never enough time. Or else we end up walking too much
and I’m too tired.
So today, I feel really lucky that I’m going to London just
because I can. And I will have time to go for a run.
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