Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Spring is slowly but surely arriving in Belgium.  We had a late winter, but spring is finally upon us.  Over the last few weeks, the weather has started to change from the random fifteen minute cycles of rain-sleet-sunshine to mostly sunshine with enough rain mixed in to remind us that we are indeed still in Belgium and shouldn't get too cocky about it.

When we were back in Minnesota, we took the boys on a tour of the catholic school they would be attending had we stayed there.  One word comes to mind:  Impressive.  We wanted them to see the school because some day, our time here might come to an end.  The boys are already nervous for something like that to happen.  Since we happened to be in Minnesota during the school year for the first time, we took advantage of the timing so we could give them a visual image of what it would be like to go to school in the United States.  During the tour of the school, the assistant principal turned to AJ and said, "now we're going to go see the big gym" to which AJ replied, "the little gym is already bigger than the one we use," and then we proceeded to tell her how the children walk approximately 2km through the cow pastures, rain or shine, to walk to the community sports facility for their gym class.

About ten days ago, Miss B and I were waiting for the boys after school (her class sometimes gets out just a little before the boys).  We were standing at the fence on the playground that overlooks a pasture below and we were watching the sheep.  And we noticed a tiny little lamb poke his wobbly legs into position and stand for the first time.  His little tail wagged as he tried to figure out how to eat for the first time.  His mama started the long process of trying to clean him up.

When I told the boys about the new baby lamb, AJ replied "We already know.  We watched it being born at recess.  Christophe was the first one to see the legs come out."  Huh.  That's a pretty cool thing to get to see at recess.

This week, we've watched the daily progress of preparation for the annual spring school party, fete du printemps.  Our house is beyond excited for tomorrow's party.  It's the first year where all three kids get to be in the spectacle, and Miss B even showed me her entire dance routine last week.  (Girls are very different than boys...neither of the boys have ever come home and actually practiced their dance routines for fete du printemps.)  This morning, when we arrived at school they were doing sound checks at the stage.  This turned into an impromptu DJ/dance party with songs that were heavy on the base and lyrics along the lines of "steal all of the booze from your mother's liquor cabinet..."  (Keep in mind that there is normally not a need to censor music as my kids are some of the only ones that speak english well enough to understand.  Believe me, I've had to do my fair share of explaining bad words we've heard on the radio over the last four years.)

But as I walked out of school this morning, my excitement and anticipation for tomorrow's festivities matched the same level as my children.  We are so lucky to have found this school, we are grateful that the families accept us as part of it, and we are happy for the chance to celebrate spring.

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