Friday, March 23, 2012

Me? A Blogger?!

I've had my first press coverage.  My blog (yes, this one) was highlighted with a review in Rendez-vous magazine.  Rendez-vous is an online quarterly publication of the AWCB (American Women's Club) of which I guess you could say, I am an active member.

I've never considered myself a "blogger" before.  But someone else called me it first, and I suppose that multiple blog entries a month qualifies?  When I hear the word "blogger" I have this image that pops into my head of a Gen-Xer tech whiz sitting at a fancy computer with lots to say about the world going on around them.   The last part is certainly true - the part about having lots to say...sometimes it's even more than I expected.  I guess it's time to let go of the admittedly stereotypical image I've created in my mind.

This blog began as a way for me to keep in touch with our friends and family back home in the United States.  I knew that we were embarking on a life changing experience, and I wanted to give them a window into our life here so they would still "know" us when we return - whenever that may be.  Over the years, it has evolved.  Now, I also see it as a way for our new friends here, especially our Belgian friends, to understand more about where we come from.  And maybe even why we think the way we think, or do the things we do.

After doing this for several years, I have unintentionally set a few guidelines and rules for myself.  First and foremost, I respect the privacy of others, namely, my friends.  I am conscious that while I am alright with announcing my opinions and ideas for all the world to see, others that I talk to on a daily basis might not be.

Also, I try really hard to express opinions and observations, without passing judgment.  If there is one thing I've learned over the past few years living in a different culture, it's that there is more than one way to skin a cat.  (If you are using a translation tool to read this, I apologize for the obscure expression).  There is more than one way to accomplish something, and while I might certainly have an opinion to express, it's not my place to pass judgment.  

So I guess it's official.  I am a blogger.  I'll go ahead and add it to the ever growing list.

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